Friday, September 26, 2008

Coming to you live from Ye Olde Desktop

My laptop is currently M.I.A., due to it really being quite broken and handed to my Father with the request of "Oh my god, please fix this or I will cry a bunch."

My laptop. With all my vacation photos on it. Basically why I haven't posted anything about San Francisco since I've been home. That and, holy crap, work. As soon as my laptop is back, I'll slap together a Frisco post, complete with lovely pictures of roadside attractions and Italian cemeteries.

I've started sewing a dress, which may have been slightly ill-advised, but what I've managed to finish so far looks pretty Not Bad, so I may work a little on that today. I have a meeting with Vincent the Director this evening to talk about reshoots and projects for 2009. I haven't seen him in months, so it'll be good to sit down for coffee with him. He's a cool dude.

I just finished reading Choke by Chuck Palahniuk in, oh, two sittings, and I did love it, even if I feel a little like I just got out of a really screwed up, really intense relationship that turned into a total mindf**k right at the end, but I kinda miss it... But a seriously good book. Can't wait to see if they can pull it off in the movie. If nothing else, Sam Rockwell. Can't go wrong there. For serious.

Now I'm jumping back into Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore, which I had been reading when Choke hijacked my attention and wouldn't let it go. It's just the sort of book to bring you back to some sense of sanity after a book like Choke. Both books also have a whole Jesus/How Does One Go About Being The Savior, Anyway? thing going on, which seems to be a nice little theme for my reading in September. Totally accidental, though it may be.

The next book on my priorities list comes out next week. That's right, NEW NEIL GAIMAN. I've only been waiting for this book for two years. The excitement borders on ridiculous.

Anyway, brushing my teeth probably wouldn't be a bad idea right about now. And maybe finding some breakfast in my foodless house. Yes, I think that's where I'll start.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I want to see a picture of the dress and your vacation!